Yellow Online Inc.

Site Web:
Téléphone: 905-477-4420
Télécopieur: 905-477-7062
Adresse: 2820 14th Ave, Markham, ON
Code postal: L3R 0S9
Ville/Localité: MARKHAM
Province: Ontario
carte: Agrandir le plan
Web Directory No.LK-58219-1604
As a national leader in Internet directory services, maintains a database of over one million Canadian businesses with over 84,000 links in 6,700 business classifications. You can search by broad parameters such as business classification, or by very defined parameters such as a phone number or postal code, and will return fast, accurate results. also maintains a searchable database of 12 million residential listings. is owned and operated by Yellow Online Inc. located in Markham, Ontario. The company has over 25 years experience in directory publishing and database management. This background, combined with innovative online directory ideas, puts in the forefront of Internet directory publishing.

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