Isaacs Furniture Company
-Celebrating 50 years!
-Guaranteed lowest prices in Canada!
-Join the growing list of our many satisfied customers that includes:
...The Toronto Maple Leafs-Toronto ON / The Salvation Army Hope Community Church-Ajax ON / The Granite Club-Toronto ON / Tara Tent Rentals-Tara ON / Paht Van Centre-Mississauga ON / The Scott Mission-Toronto ON / Mohawk Territory Quebec / Camrose Community Church, Camrose Alberta / First Baptist Church, Saskatoon Saskatchewan / Mud Lake Community Centre, Mudlake Newfoundland / City of Abbotsford, Abbotsford BC / Schonberg Community Hall, Schonberg ON / The Paisley Arena, Paisley ON / The Chelsie Arena, Chelsie ON....and more!
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