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Téléphone: 403-720-6229
Autre téléphone: 1-877-720-6229
Télécopieur: 403-720-6226
Adresse: B105, 2634 - 45th Avenue S.E., Calgary, Alberta
Code postal: T2B 3M1
Ville/Localité: CALGARY
Province: Alberta
carte: Agrandir le plan
Web Directory No.LK-20307-2955
BWI has been in operation since 2005. Between the two owners we offer the benefit of over 50 years of practical experience in the commercial sewing industry. BWI is proud to be able to put our knowledge to work for you by offering competitive prices for superior products.

We specialize in manufacturing customized bags and covers. Our qualified staff is able to create, customize, design, manufacture and repair anything, from quality bulk bags, to one of a kind covers for your specific industrial requirements.

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