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Téléphone: 416-491-2000, (416) 491-8211
Autre téléphone: 800-463-3257
Télécopieur: 416-491-0307
Adresse: 2135 Sheppard Avenue East, Willowdale, Ontario
Code postal: M2J 1W6
Ville/Localité: NORTH YORK
Province: Ontario
carte: Agrandir le plan
Web Directory No.LK-65018-3709
Buying a car can be frustrating. Complicated deals, hidden extras, double-talk. Don Howson Value Pricing changes all that. At Don Howson Chevrolet Limited, we've taken the cars and trucks that you've made our best-sellers and equipped them with the features you refuse to do without.

Because the majority of our Chevrolet models are built this way, it allows us to offer them to you at a no nonsense upfront price.

We call it Don Howson Value Pricing. You'll call it the sensible way to buy a car

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